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Heavy Rock – Black Mountain

Well, hello there again and Welcome to my blog, one band per day for 60 days, underground bands, mostly. Am I a hipster for that? Well, I don’t have a moustache and use a scarf, guess I’m not one of the herd then. (I think I’m ‘creative’, I pictured a sheep with a scarf and a beard saying ‘Baa-fore it was cool.’)

Enough of sheep, wool, and bad jokes, so lets get to the band of the day:

Black Mountain.

A Canadian Psichelic Blues Band formed in 2005, since then they have released three albums, and 2 EPs. But, what really impresses me the fact that they have a woman in the band, and she does a goddamn wonderful job, and they are Canadian. I mean, with my great knowledge of Canadian music, which is none, I find really interesting that Black Mountain has surged from those lands. With such influences. And I’ve never seen a woman in a psychedelic rock band do such an amazing job, that matches with the whole style of the group.

They have some clear influences of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, it’s another case of displaced in time, they don’t seem to belong to the present.

If you want to start listening to them, maybe ‘In The Future’ is the most recommended album, you can try the other ones and the other EPs but, if you are not so used with Stoner and Psychedelic music, like I am, you may find the other stuff a little trippy, like I did.

Do you like them? Then you’ll probably like: Radio Moscow and Graveyard. They may not be as Stoner as Black Mountain, but the blues and hard rock part seem to have the same roots.

But, Seriously now, what I show you guys here are just previews of the bands songs, and I really doubt that anyone buy any of their stuff when I post an iTunes link here, so, I can post their albums here for free download, (Yeah, fuck you SOPA and PIPA, I don’t give a damn about your rules or your silly names.) if you guys want it and think that it is a good idea, just let me know. Post on the comments, blink twice, send me a pigeon, I don’t know, just notice me. I thought about it because these things are kinda hard to find, and maybe posting them here you’ll get to enjoy these masterpieces better than just checking to two youtube links.

This is it for today, enjoy these guys, and the girl, as much as you can until tomorrow, ’cause tomorrow, a new fresh band here on this same blog. Good Luck, C’yall.

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