Archive | February 2012

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Heavy Punk-Blues – Brimstone Howl

Hey, and yeah, long time no fuckin’ see. I lost the bet, sadly. For those that haven’t visited my blog yet, (Shame on you, but I’m glad you are here now.) I made this bet with a friend of mine, for 60 days I had to post a new underground band or album each day. […]

Heavy Rock – The Cut in the Hill Gang

Oh My Fuckin’ God. Late post again. Double post again. My blog just keep getting better and better… Why play Skyrim if I have a blog to update? Why sleep if I have a blog to update? WHY!? Just great… The following stuff that I’m going to post here today I’ve found while I was […]

The Lost Albums – Seu Jorge: The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions

Hey again, so as I have told you guys, today a double-post day, all because of my unsuccessful attempt to play soccer. So, talking about soccer, we have Seu Jorge playing The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions. (This post is totally different from the ones I’ve been doing, but don’t worry, I’ll keep bringing more of […]

Heavy a Big Load of Stuff – The Seatbelts

Well, shit, I’m late with the posts again, so today a double post, maybe I can compensate doing that. Probably not. Yesterday was soccer Friday, so today I am like Stephen Hawking on his chair, I can’t feel my legs, my back is gone, well, two months of pure laziness, and then playing soccer for almost two […]

Heavy Rock – Black Mountain

Well, hello there again and Welcome to my blog, one band per day for 60 days, underground bands, mostly. Am I a hipster for that? Well, I don’t have a moustache and use a scarf, guess I’m not one of the herd then. (I think I’m ‘creative’, I pictured a sheep with a scarf and […]

The Lost Albums – The Black Keys: Chulahoma

Hey, whats up? Today a new kind of post. I decide to call it The Lost Albums. A unknown album from a specific band, but it the band doesn’t need to be exactly underground, like the rest of the bands that I’ve shown. The album itself needs to be unknown. So, that’s it, and let’s […]

Heavy Blues-Rock – Left Lane Cruiser

Hey, long time no see. Not. Here we are again, (A bit late, I know.) another recent finding to brighten your day. If you have no idea of what I’m talking about, (If this is the first post you are reading.) I have a life goal (Actually, its just a bet I made, worth 10 […]

Heavy Rock – Graveyard

Fuck, fuck, fuck, Late, fuck, fuck, Again, fuck, fuck, Shit, fuck, fuck, I know. Fuck, I’m back to college. Oh hey, hello there again. The good old vacation is long gone. I’m late on the post. The clock is ticking. The bet is still up. It’s hot like hell. Well fuck this bullshit, what am I complaining?! […]

Heavy Bluegrass – Scott H. Biram.

So, yeah no post yesterday, late today… What kind of blogger am I? So lazy to even make a post! A single, simple post! Well, yeah I’m fucking lazy, throw your stones on me, judge me with your lazor eyes, I deserve it. I’m just enjoying my last days of life. (Back to college next week.) The […]

Heavy Bluegrass – William Elliott Whitmore

Wazzah! Oh yeah, still alive and kickin’! Until next week, I’m afraid, but that’s for some other time. Now, the special band of the day on our menu. Sit tight and enjoy. So, this time I won’t post some ‘recent’ finding. This time it’s something I’ve been listening quite a long time. That someone is […]