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Heavy Blues-Rock – Left Lane Cruiser

Hey, long time no see. Not.

Here we are again, (A bit late, I know.) another recent finding to brighten your day. If you have no idea of what I’m talking about, (If this is the first post you are reading.) I have a life goal (Actually, its just a bet I made, worth 10 bucks.) to show you 60 bands throughout 60 days, one band per day, always an underground one. (A need to make an default introduction every post, write a new one everyday is kinda boring.)

And today recent finding, just like the last one, a very recent finding:

Left Lane Cruiser.

Fredrick Evans (Guitar and Vocal) & Brenn Beck (The Drum) make a very ‘dirty’ sound, even though they a guitar and drums based duo. This simple yet ‘truthful’ sound impressed (Impresses me, I’ve listened their last album only, Junkyard Speed Ball, so this post is based on this album.) me. When I ask you any bands that are guitar & drum based duo, you may remember two bands right away. The Black Keys and White Stripes. Those are great bands, The Black Keys is one of my favorite bands. (Even though their recent pieces haven’t been… Well, let’s talk about it some other post.) Left Lane Cruiser couldn’t be otherwise. They are great. But, in other style.

Their distinctive ‘dirty’ sound, (I don’t know how to explain that term, ‘dirty sound’. I have no music knowledge for that.) makes them be different from The Black Keys, because even though they make a blues sound, they aren’t dirty as Left Lane Cruiser. It gives music some raw feeling. Almost Punk. It makes them Heavier. So, we can’t compare these bands, they are great, and different on details, details that matter, and you’ll see them if you listen both.

I haven’t checked all their stuff yet. I’m willing to. But for now, I can only recommend their newest album. It’s great from top to bottom.

Sadly, just like Graveyard, the band from yesterday, we don’t have much info on the band, just some album reviews here and there. Which is pretty lame, so people won’t find these guys around so easily, (Don’t ask me how I found them, I can’t remember.) But, here I am, showing them off to you guys.

Hope you enjoy them, I haven’t much to say about them, sorry. So, I guess this is it. Tomorrow, a new day, a new band, see you there.

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